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  1. Bonobos share and share alike

    Bonobos are willing to share meat with animals outside their own family groups. This behaviour was observed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and is documented in a new study in Springer’s journal Human Nature

  2. LJMU and LFC Foundation extend partnership

    Liverpool John Moores University and LFC Foundation are broadening their successful partnership to create new research, employment and volunteering opportunities for students.

  3. Top five ways to make the most of the LJMU Libraries

    Top five ways to make the most of the LJMU Libraries. As a student at LJMU, you have amazing access to three different Library spaces across campus in the Avril Robarts, Aldham Robarts and Student Life Building.

  4. Research captures longstanding NI tradition

    A published collection of Northern Ireland’s murals, which captures a longstanding tradition of large community-based mural painting, has been produced by LJMU’s Dr Stuart Borthwick.

  5. Exclusive look inside the Athenaeum

    For a couple of years now, we've offered walks for staff, led by Martin Hudson, Lecturer from the School of Business and Management, who is also a Blue Badge Guide in his spare time.