Volunteer at our March graduation ceremonies
Staff are needed to usher graduands and guests, and to carry out other duties at the Anglican Cathedral during our March ceremonies this bicentenary year.
Staff are needed to usher graduands and guests, and to carry out other duties at the Anglican Cathedral during our March ceremonies this bicentenary year.
Public health experts at Liverpool John Moores University are looking into how lockdown has affected the physical and mental health of people in the North West.
LJMU is proud of its place in Liverpool and we are at the beating heart of almost everything that happens in the region. However, with that presence comes a responsibility to be mindful and aware of our potential impact. In partnership with the other universities in the city, LJMU has embarked on a number of initiatives to work with local residents.
LJMU is proud of its place in Liverpool and we are at the beating heart of almost everything that happens in the region. However, with that presence comes a responsibility to be mindful and aware of our potential impact. In partnership with the other universities in the city, LJMU has embarked on a number of initiatives to work with local residents.
Tropical rainforests were once thought unliveable but scientists, including Liverpool John Moores University’s Professor Chris Hunt, are showing that our human ancestors lived in these conditions, and in fact the forests themselves are long-term documents of human action.
LJMU’s School of Nursing and Advanced Practice is celebrating the achievements of its students, staff and practice partners. The school has this week hosted its annual awards event for 2024, with 11 worthy winners being honoured.
Highlights and successes of 2024
Almost 2,000 students have graduated from global online courses since 2020
Academic staff and other colleagues are invited to attend demonstration sessions showcasing LJMUs new curriculum management system.
LJMU has appointed five senior academics to act as international 'ambassadors' for each of our five faculties.