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  1. MBA Educational Leadership

    The MBA in Educational Leadership guides and prepares senior and emerging leaders across the education sector to connect business practice and educational ambition with and for people and communities.

  2. Courses

    Are you interested in the world, and what makes it tick? Then a degree in International Relations and Politics is right for you!

  3. Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion

    The purpose of the Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion is to support the University in driving forward the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda at Faculty and Professional Services level and ensure local issues inform the Diversity and Inclusion overall approach.

  4. Menstrual health research – Qualitative Analysis in Action

    Dr Kay Standing and Dr Sara Parker are currently completing a British Academy Small Grant Project on re-usable sanitary towel projects, assessing their wider impact on women's health and wellbeing in Nepal. Find out more about this research.

  5. Turnitin Support

    Hopefully the collated links below will bring help (and thus good cheer) to a few of you over the winter break…