Performance Indicators and Benchmarking
Find out more about the range of indicators the University uses to monitor its performance in relation to its strategic aims.
Find out more about the range of indicators the University uses to monitor its performance in relation to its strategic aims.
Find out more about the University Framework and Regulations
AQS, Forms and templates, programme validation internal provision, academic planning and information services
A P60 is issued to employees at the end of a tax year. The tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April the following year.
Find out about the research areas within the Being Lean and Seen project, based in the Liverpool Business School.
Find out who the partners are behind the Being Lean and Seen project. The project is based in the Liverpool Business School.
View guidance on how to set up and use Microsoft Teams at LJMU.
As a part of the LJMU Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you can find out about the gender issues within Nepal.
With the aim of inspiring prospective students, our outreach programmes work with schools and colleges, career advisors and parents, sharing specialist higher education guidance and advice.
A summary of the ways Clevertouch screens can be used to support delivery and active learning