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  1. Honorary Fellow Neena Gill CBE

    Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Neena Gill CBE at Liverpool Cathedral on Friday 13 July 2018.

  2. School pupils capture their future in creative designs

    As part of their tenth year in the John Lennon Building celebrations, the Liverpool School of Art and Design posed this question to pupils at St Nicholas Catholic Primary School, providing a chance for artistic designs to flourish and future aspirations to be discussed.

  3. LJMU residential for young people

    LJMU Outreach has welcomed young people from 12 schools across the north west region to its annual Year 10 Residential, targeted specifically at those in local authority or residential care.

  4. LJMU rated highly in sustainability table

    LJMU has been ranked as one of the top four universities in the country for ethical investment in a national review of sustainability and ethical investment in higher education.