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Take a virtual tour of LJMU’s School of Psychology. Explore our advanced labs, study spaces, and innovative learning environments.
Informa Connect and LJMU have partnered to provide industry-leading postgraduate courses to support the achievement of candidate’s career growth goals.
See how LJMU's School of Engineering and Technology engages with schools, inspiring the next generation of engineers and technologists.
Meet the academic staff within the Liverpool Screen School.
The School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences provides excellent teaching and innovative research across biochemistry, forensic science, pharmacy, biomedical science, virology, drug discovery, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.
The School of Humanities and Social Science specialise in English and Cultural History, Media, History, Culture and Communication, Policing Studies and Criminology and Sociology. Find out more about the School's courses, research and staff here.
Find out more about the Liverpool Screen School's courses. When you join Liverpool Screen School you'll not only study on a cutting-edge programme, which has been informed by current research and contemporary, industry-relevant issues, but you'll also be welcomed into a vibrant learning community.
The School of Biological and Environmental Sciences provides excellent teaching and extensive research across the biological sciences and geography and environmental sciences.
Find out more about the School of Humanities and Social Science's facilities, including rhe John Foster Building, Aldham Robarts Library and the Special Collections and Archives.