Search the LJMU website

  1. Finance team

    Learn more about the work our Finance department does within LJMU.

  2. What our graduates say

    Read some of our graduate international student testimonials to learn more about their experiences at LJMU and in Liverpool.

  3. Venue

    How to travel to Liverpool for the conference and what accommodation will be available during your stay.

  4. Funding - Study abroad

    See the full range of funding options available to stay abroad students including Erasmus+ funding, the LJMU Travel Award and scholarships you may be eligible for.

  5. Courses – Liverpool School of Art and Design

    Our School programmes are constantly adapted in response to industry needs. Our tutors are hugely supportive and as creative practitioners they know how to guide you through your programme. Find the course that's right for you today.

  6. Professor Catherine Cole

    Catherine is a Professor of Creative Writing and Associate Dean Research at LJMU and in 2023 released her own memoir documenting her family’s move to Australia for a better future, as many Brits did in the ‘50s and ‘60s. With the help of an LJMU grant she was able to travel to her parents native Yorkshire to conduct research for the book, bringing a personal perspective on migration to audiences around the world.

  7. Ave McKimmie

    Ave is undertaking her master’s in pharmacy at LJMU and is one of thousands of students who travel from different parts of the UK to study in Liverpool.