Immersive Arts pioneer named among UK's 100 top creatives
Liverpool Screen School lecturer Peter Woodbridge has been named among the most pioneering figures in the British digital and tech industry.
Liverpool Screen School lecturer Peter Woodbridge has been named among the most pioneering figures in the British digital and tech industry.
Digging into the archives to find your ancestors often throws up surprises.
An international award winning film made Dr Michael Brown (Liverpool Screen School) is being screened live online, with a panel discussion about the filmmaking process and the issues raised in the film.
Study by psychologists raises ethical questions about data capture
LJMU has won a major award from the regional construction industry.
Lack of consumer awareness makes conservation of fish stocks more challenging - research
Meet Jack Fitzpatrick - LJMU third year student and inspirational speaker at our careers events for students and graduates with disabilities.
In a special edition of the LJMU 1823 Podcast: The road to Silverstone, Dr Christian Matthews is joined by LJMU e-Racing Head of Team 2022, MSc student Cameron Reedy, and former Head of Team, Rhian Griffith, who now works as a mechanical engineer at the Small Robot Company.
'His review led to development of the John Lennon Building'
Liverpool Pride takes place on Saturday 30 July and LJMU are inviting all staff, students and friends to join us at the July event.