Angela Samata CF
Angela was awarded an LJMU Honorary Fellowship in 2018 for her tireless work as a mental health campaigner, speaking out and challenging the stigma of suicide.
Angela was awarded an LJMU Honorary Fellowship in 2018 for her tireless work as a mental health campaigner, speaking out and challenging the stigma of suicide.
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Advice to Partner institutions staff about access to LJMU Library electronic resources.
Find out more about Dr Gus Ryrie our Armed Forces Champion, a lecturer in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, who served in the Regular and Reserve Army for a period of 20 years before following a second career in higher education.
Alfred William Thomas was an engineering with Elder Dempster in the early part of the twentieth century, read the account of his experiences with the company.
Since 2011, the international IAHR/WMO/IAHS training course on stream gauging has been organized in six countries around the world by recognized hydrometry experts.
Here are just a few reasons why you should choose the Liverpool Business School.
View the clinical equipment inventory held within the Faculty of Health.
Clodagh is the 2022/23 Liverpool John Moores Students’ Union (JMSU) Vice President for Activities and through her ‘Challenge Clodagh’ initiative, is improving access and representation across student sports teams and societies.