Starting a business
See how the Centre for Entrepreneurship develop a new business idea, work as a freelancer, launch a product or service or grow an existing business.
See how the Centre for Entrepreneurship develop a new business idea, work as a freelancer, launch a product or service or grow an existing business.
The Faculty now has access to the impressive looking Visible Bodies Anatomy and Physiology software.
Liverpool John Moores University is an exempt charity under the terms of the Charities Act 2011. Under the Charities Act 2011, universities are supervised by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) as principal regulator, which is charged with ensuring that universities fulfil their obligations under Charity law.
Get in touch with the Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory team to find out more about how we can help your business reach its low carbon targets.
HERA is an analytical job evaluation scheme which has been specifically designed to support the analysis of the roles found in Higher Education.
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