Satisfaction propels LJMU up Good University Guide
Jump of 20 places as Uni bounces back
Jump of 20 places as Uni bounces back
Study underway to understand how assessment impacts Black students
LJMU Audio and Video Forensics Masters student and Music Producer, Brian Sheil was selected as a juror for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest Grand Final, which was held in Malmo, Sweden, on Saturday 11 May.
Advice on how to overcome homesickness. Research shows 35% of students experience it.
An ‘inspirational’ student midwife at LJMU has been awarded Student Midwife of the year award at The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Annual Midwifery Awards 2016.
Student Laura Dye, 32, has coached Rebecca Roberts to victory as placed second at the Arnold Strongwoman Competition in Ohio, USA.
LJMU offers a wide range of different services for students – from money advice and study skills workshops to careers guidance and free gym membership.
Find out all you need to know to register to vote in the General Election on 12 December.
The Careers Team would really like to hear your views on the careers services offered by the Careers Team to final year students and graduates.
Four talented LJMU Journalism students are about to embark on a fantastic opportunity - working alongside some of the biggest names in broadcasting at the BBC 6 Music festival.