Grad Academy 2025
Prepare for post-grad life with Grad Academy, LJMU's premier transition program for 2023 and 2024 graduates. Unlock your future success now.
Prepare for post-grad life with Grad Academy, LJMU's premier transition program for 2023 and 2024 graduates. Unlock your future success now.
Read more about new finds for the Elder Dempster Lines - the largest UK shipping group between Western Europe and West Africa from the late-nineteenth century to the 1980s.
If you are an American student planning to study, or currently studying, at LJMU, part of the application process for a U.S. federal loan requires a cost of attendance to be calculated. Typical student expenses may include: tuition and accommodation fees, transport or book allowances, and more. Find out what the cost of attendance includes.
Find out more about the health advice and support available to LJMU students.
While attending a summer school abroad, stay informed on paperwork, programme requirements, and how to get support if needed.
Campus Services plays a significant role in the quality of the student, staff and visitor experience at the university by providing a range of facilities.
A comprehensive list of checks that Sitecore publisher's must comply with before publishing to the LJMU website.
As a part of the LJMU Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you can find out about the gender issues within Nepal.
Find out who the partners are behind the Being Lean and Seen project. The project is based in the Liverpool Business School.
Find out the background and context of the Being Lean and Seen project - a project which aims to help advance project management knowledge.