Plastic bottle collectors turn waste into wealth: The Conversation
Analytical Chemist Dr Alistair Fielding co-authors an article for The Conversation on plastic bottle recycling in West Africa
Analytical Chemist Dr Alistair Fielding co-authors an article for The Conversation on plastic bottle recycling in West Africa
Partnership sees launch of pioneering workshop
Aspiring filmmaker Joanna Hughes is hoping to make people look at the world in a new light after winning a place with Grierson Doculab.
LJMU astrophysicist works with European Southern Observatory and collaborators to confirm Milky Way-like galaxy from 700m years after Big Bang
First Round Table on Diversity in the Workplace with LJMU and the Liverpool Race Equality Hub
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), invites you to join our first ever VIRTUAL, Disability History Month Event.
Unique partnership with Rock n' Roll Marathon series illustrates LJMU ethos of health and wellbeing
Julia Midgley: Bicentenary Sketchbook - A Window on LJMU's 200th Anniversary Year is now on display for an extended run until Friday 5 April, at LJMU’s John Lennon Art and Design Building.
Liverpool Health Commission, an independent panel established by Liverpool John Moores University, with research expertise and support provided by the university, has been set up to investigate and analyse health care policy issues.
Liverpool Business School feeds into techUK and Public First report