Over 15,000 LJMU students set to graduate this summer
Liverpool Anglican Cathedral is set to play host to over 4,000 students next week for the first round of LJMU graduation ceremonies taking place this summer
Liverpool Anglican Cathedral is set to play host to over 4,000 students next week for the first round of LJMU graduation ceremonies taking place this summer
LJMU is joining organisations across the globe to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD) 2021.The day recognises the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, while calling for action in accelerating gender parity.
The Leadership and Development Foundation is undergoing some changes to better support all staff development across the whole of LJMU.
Liverpool John Moores University is sharing in a £67m Government grant aimed at driving forward university commercialisation across the country.
Lecturer invited to DfE launch at Natural History Museum
First LJMU school of attain the benchmark
Experts explain how to better manage regional resources
LJMU has been recognised with the Athena Swan Silver Award for the university's commitment to promoting gender equality.
As part of the Students at the Heart conference, LJMU organised a special Bicentenary celebration room to highlight 200 years of LJMU and celebrate our history.
Government calls on expertise of LJMU plant biologist for energy solution