'Liverpool Model' leads way in tackling gaps in student mental health services
Students are set to benefit from better join up of mental health services to prevent them falling through the gaps at university.
Students are set to benefit from better join up of mental health services to prevent them falling through the gaps at university.
A new education partnership with Catapult Sports is ensuring that students have the skills and experience needed to excel as professional coaches and sports scientists.
Good luck to all athletes and sport science staff from the LJMU community as they ready themselves for the Commonwealth Games 2022, starting in Birmingham this week.
Gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy in the UK is at its highest and continues to rise, LJMU is now aiming to meet this gap in patient need by supporting the delivery of a new course.
Our prehistoric ancestors may have had large carnivores – giant lions, saber-tooth cats, bears and hyenas up to twice the size of their modern relatives – to thank for an abundance and diversity of plants and wildlife.
Marine research experts at Liverpool John Moores University are to undertake a major study of the risks to global merchant shipping.
Monday 13 July saw the first of the 2015 LJMU graduation ceremonies take place at Liverpool Cathedral
Research unlocks secrets of rare bacteria
A statement from the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Campbell.
Join the Student Futures team for a series of events helping you think about your future goals. The sessions are friendly, open to students from any programme or year group and will help you gain clarity on your next steps.