Could you apply for a VC PhD Studentship?
Submissions are now open for the PHD VC Studentship scheme 2023/24
Submissions are now open for the PHD VC Studentship scheme 2023/24
Dr. Emma Roberts, Reader in History of Art & Design at Liverpool School of Art & Design, has published an article in the Harvard University journal, 'ReVista: The Harvard Review of Latin America'. The article discusses the important topic of public sculptures in the Caribbean on the theme of emancipation from slavery.
Clinical Exercise Physiologists can now become registered health professionals
The Right Honourable Lord West of Spithead delivered a Roscoe Lecture which emphasised the importance of the Navy during World War One.
In January 2015 Library Services piloted the use of a reading list management system, Rebus:List with 27 academics across the University with a soft launch that Summer.
School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences wins PhD studentship from National Council for the Replacement Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research
LJMUs newest staff network has launched this February with over 70 attendees from across Professional Services attending the event online.
Sport science alumnus Keith George is now Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Oration for Honorary Fellowship award
LJMU's COVID Operations Group announces new measures to keep our communities safe