Blogspot: Autism and employment
Student with autism speaks at conference
Student with autism speaks at conference
Monday 19 September will be a Bank Holiday for all students
Staff and students joined a flood of tributes to Owen Copland who died on Christmas Day after a long battle with a brain tumour.
MA Fashion Innovation and Realisation students: Joshua Marriott, Macarena Morilla Dominguez and Courtney Hammond presented research posters based on their MA proposals.
LJMU is proud of its place in Liverpool and we are at the beating heart of almost everything that happens in the region. However, with that presence comes a responsibility to be mindful and aware of our potential impact. In partnership with the other universities in the city, LJMU has embarked on a number of initiatives to work with local residents.
That LJMU is the most popular university in Britain for Northern Irish students is hardly a surprise.
Here is a quick guide on how to access your Module Results Statement and Progress Transcript and understanding what the different outcomes mean
Is dark tourism just another fad in the age of the selfie and tick list travelling? Gillian O’Brien explains its appeal and gives it historical context.
Public health experts at Liverpool John Moores University are looking into how lockdown has affected the physical and mental health of people in the North West.
Liverpool John Moores University is supporting a brand new science and discovery centre aimed at inspiring children and young people.