LJMU Disability History Month Event - What Does An Accessible Future Look Like?
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), invites you to join our first ever VIRTUAL, Disability History Month Event.
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), invites you to join our first ever VIRTUAL, Disability History Month Event.
Ahead of World Environment Day this Sunday (5 June), were reaffirming our commitment to green initiatives and sustainability.
LJMU’s Dr Daniel Silverstone, Director of Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies, has delivered a series of national media interviews related to his research on human trafficking.
Journalism student's writings win Football Writers' Award
During JMSU's Sustainability Week, find out how the university is working towards a sustainable future.
LJMU once again proved its commitment to supporting young people from disadvantaged backgrounds thanks to the Law Factor.
LJMU's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team are proud to be working in partnership with Subject Matter Expert; GenderSpace and are pleased to offer LJMU/JMSU Staff the opportunity to participate in a virtual, half day (three hour) Transgender Awareness Workshop.
In support of gender-equality and the several departments considering applying for their Athena SWAN Bronze/Silver Awards here at LJMU, this Athena SWAN Workshop: Understanding Data and Top Tips has been arranged in order to provide Departmental Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Teams (SATs) with the opportunity to gain some practical knowledge in relation to the application process.
This is the first bespoke welcome programme catered for International New Arrivals.
The Vice Chancellors Awards for Excellence in Research and Knowledge Exchange 2022 celebrate LJMU's academic achievements