Taking Shaun the Sheep to China
Aardman Animations is teaming up with creative technology experts in Liverpool to develop research for an immersive Shaun the Sheep experience in China.
Aardman Animations is teaming up with creative technology experts in Liverpool to develop research for an immersive Shaun the Sheep experience in China.
Ground-breaking computational methods will be used by a team of researchers to advance the access of historical collections and study the history of Early Colonial Mexico.
Here are some highlights of what happened at the first two graduation ceremonies of the week.
Delegates from all round the world participated in the LJMU Virtual Global Citizens Conference between 11-12 November 2020. They discussed seven adapted UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Liverpool John Moores University is celebrating after a wonderful week of graduation ceremonies at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, in which more than 4,000 students graduated across 18 ceremonies, including 96 members of staff.
Don't Miss Out! - LJMU Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Personal Development Workshops & Opportunities (2020)
eDocs launch coincided with the centenary of the PhD qualification in the UK
National Inclusion Week runs from the 28th Sep - 4th Oct 2020 and gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to inclusion in and outside of the LJMU community.
Bethan Reid from the Learning Technology @ LJMU blog writes about using Canvas and preparing for Induction
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Workshops 2020 - 2021