Mr Lee Gilmore
Member of the Board of Governors
Member of the Board of Governors
Member of the Board of Governors
The purpose of the Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion is to support the University in driving forward the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda at Faculty and Professional Services level and ensure local issues inform the Diversity and Inclusion overall approach.
Find out more about the Technician Skills, Roles and Responsibilities Survey run by the National Technician Development Centre (NTDC).
Dr Kay Standing and Dr Sara Parker are currently completing a British Academy Small Grant Project on re-usable sanitary towel projects, assessing their wider impact on women's health and wellbeing in Nepal. Find out more about this research.
Student Number Target Setting is the internal allocation of student numbers (and FTEs) that need to fall within the requirements of the HEFCE student number control and parameters set by other public funding bodies.
acknowledgement of individuals and institutions who helped with the production of Dr Gerry Smyth's online learning resources based on his setting of the lyrics included in James Joyce's 36-lyric sequence entitled 'Chamber Music'
Find out more abut Career Development Programme for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, we provide some further reading suggestions so you can learn more about Nepal.
Academic Registry glossary.