Staying Safe this Semester
Our Student Advice and Wellbeing team is giving their advice on staying safe and where to go for help or support if you need it.
Our Student Advice and Wellbeing team is giving their advice on staying safe and where to go for help or support if you need it.
This Girl Can
Our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Campbell, has written to all students today. Read a summary of his message.
Report and Support is LJMU's harassment and sexual misconduct reporting platform.
Following a recent review of LJMU staff car parking provision, the university will continue to subsidise staff car parking until 31 August 2023.
Did you know if you use a reusable cup at a café on campus, you will get 25p off the cost of your hot drink?
This week you’ll receive your results but how do you access them? What do they mean? And what should you do if you don’t get the results you wanted? Read our guidance and advice below.
LJMU and JMSU work hard to support all students who have been victims of harassment and/or assault. However, the recent reports of increased spiking in clubs and bars in Liverpool and other cities around the UK are extremely concerning and we want to reassure all students that support is available to anyone affected by this issue.
The university is sad to announce the death of Professor James L Ford
This week marks the beginning of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week, to encourage survivors to talk about abuse and that #ItIsNotOk