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  1. Calling All Aurorans

    For the first time, LJMU is bringing together all colleagues who have been a part of Aurora, Advance HE's leadership development initiative for women.

  2. Strengthening links with Panama

    LJMU strengthens links with the International Maritime University (UMIP) and the Technological University (UTP) of Panama.

  3. Women in STEM lecture series: Chi Onwurah MP

    In 1984, there were 14 per cent of female graduates in engineering and technology courses. In 2015, there was still only 14 per cent of female graduates in engineering courses. This sad statistic formed the basis of an impactful lecture by Chi Onwurah MP about the gender imbalance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Technology (STEM) subjects and subsequent careers.

  4. North West Cross Institutional Action Learning for Women

    North West Cross Institutional Action Learning in partnership with the University of Liverpool and Chester University. A development opportunity for 13 LJMU women working in academic and professional services roles to develop leadership capability and overcome career related challenges