Photo ID – Did it impact on voter rights in Liverpool?
Early research by Dr Ben Stanford, LJMU School of Law, suggests Government changes could be significant
Early research by Dr Ben Stanford, LJMU School of Law, suggests Government changes could be significant
eDocs launch coincided with the centenary of the PhD qualification in the UK
First for Royal Pharmaceutical Society accreditation
LJMU, WWF and HUTAN came together to examine better ways of detecting the great apes in the Bornean forest canopy, by using drones fitted with thermal-imaging cameras.
After 33 years of service, Julie Lloyd (Executive HR Director at LJMU) retires from the University. Julie is passionate about the progression of women in the workplace and has always advocated for more women in the boardroom - In her talk, Julie will explore the critical issues as to why we are not seeing more women in top positions and offer tips and strategies for overcoming the challenges to womens advancement and career progression.
Join the discussion on student retention and our new campaign
The programme included 3MT Final, Poster Competition and career insights from Alumni and external organisations
LJMU’s Dr Isabelle De Groote appeared on the BBC’s primetime hit TV programme, The One Show, during a special feature on the famous Piltdown Man forgeries.
EXPERTS from Liverpool John Moores University are guiding UK government policy on the use of drones.
As more students confirm their places at LJMU and we prepare for clearing, here’s five essential things we’ll be encouraging our new students to do as soon as possible.