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  1. Nearly £3k raised in first week of NSS

    A huge thank you to everyone who has helped us to raise a fantastic £2,950 for charity by completing the National Student Survey (NSS) in the first week.

  2. Grants and Projects Update

    New Grants and Projects (GaP) software which provides LJMU with a collaborative creative environment for anyone applying for external funding and professional services to work together on bid and project proposals.

  3. North West Cross Institutional Action Learning for Women

    North West Cross Institutional Action Learning in partnership with the University of Liverpool and Chester University. A development opportunity for 13 LJMU women working in academic and professional services roles to develop leadership capability and overcome career related challenges

  4. Student finance reminder

    If you are an undergraduate student and are continuing on your course in September 2019, don’t forget to reapply for your student finance as soon as possible.

  5. Health advice - mumps

    We are aware of a couple of LJMU students being diagnosed with mumps in the last few days.