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  1. Children’s Laureate delivers Roscoe Lecture

    The Roscoe Lecture, named ‘What do you think about when you think of nothing?’ entails the strange concept that meditating and clearing the mind often throws up a lot of questions- which is exactly what you are not meant to be doing

  2. Share your Eurovision 2023 plans

    We’re keen to understand how our own LJMU community might be planning to mark the event coming to Liverpool, and we can help to co-create and promote your Eurovision related events and initiatives.

  3. Young chimpanzees reconcile through play

    Researchers at LJMU's School of Natural Sciences and Psychology have discovered for the first time that, unlike their adult counterparts who kiss and embrace immediately after a fight, young chimpanzees reconcile through play.

  4. Why our brains need touch

    An LJMU academic is leading a Neuroscience Group (SANG) that is revolutionising how we view the basic human sense of touch.