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  1. Exam timetables now available

    Assessments will be taking place from 6 to 17 January 2020. The full timetable and the link to your personalised timetable is available here

  2. Staying safe online

    While the internet is a necessary and brilliant tool, it’s increasingly important to be aware of your online identity. We’ve got some tips to help you stay safe online and protect your online reputation.

  3. In Memoriam: Nickianne Moody

    It is with great sadness that the University announces the death of Nickianne Moody following a period of illness.

  4. Celebrating Cultures Event

    The celebrating cultures event this year had India, China, Canada, Pakistan, Colombia, Nepal, England, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lesotho, Scotland, Vietnam, Nigeria, Indonesia, Greece, Italy, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Iran, Somalia and Brazil being represented. Following this event, an international student wrote a reflection on their experience in participating.

  5. Happy Holi 2022

    Friday 18th March is Holi, a festival in the Hindu calendar often referred to as the 'Festival of Colours.' Here, MSc Sport Psychology student, Manisha explains to us all about the festival and how it is celebrated.