Search the LJMU website

  1. Complex Mental Health Needs Project

    This project aims to inform the development of improved service models for people with complex mental health needs and is led by researchers at Liverpool John Moores University in collaboration with Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

  2. Public Health Institute resources

    Access a wide range of the Public Health Institute's toolkits, databases, interactive maps and online resources related to our areas of expertise within public health.

  3. Expertise – Institute for Health Research

    The Institute for Health Research's expertise is wide ranging. From cardiovascular health to image and performance enhancing drugs, and children's health to green spaces. Find out more about our interest groups.

  4. Psychology Student Conference

    LJMU psychology students present their research projects at the Psychology Student Conference. You can read the abstracts from the most recent conference.

  5. Drugs

    Public Health Institute provides insight into drug use. We support evidence based drugs policy through epidemiology, monitoring, evidence review, intervention evalution and research.