Search the LJMU website

  1. Teaching Informed Research

    The Teaching Informed Research project aims to develop a new collaborative alignment between teaching and research in creative disciplines, in which teaching informs research.

  2. News from Nowhere

    News from Nowhere is now thriving as the major independent bookshop in Liverpool, with its own building packed full of weird and wonderful books on subjects from anarchism to zen.

  3. Riding the wave of success

    Read Charlotte Morton's story - when law graduate Charlotte applied for a post as Port Operations Coordinator with CMA CGM (UK) Ltd, she had little expectation of success as, having not even finished her Masters in Maritime Operations Management, she was merely dipping a toe into her new industry.

  4. Turnitin Support

    Hopefully the collated links below will bring help (and thus good cheer) to a few of you over the winter break…

  5. Institute for Health Research

    The Institute for Health Research integrates health and health-related research across all Faculties at LJMU and key external partners.