Why do we love an underdog?
Sport psychologist Dr Gill Cook in BBC podcast Mental Muscle
Sport psychologist Dr Gill Cook in BBC podcast Mental Muscle
NIHR funded trial in partnership with schools and parents to encourage struggling children to seek help
Forty seven members of students and staff from Liverpool John Moores University have visited China this month as part of the Liverpool Outbound Education Mission to Shanghai.
Report and Support is LJMU's harassment and sexual misconduct reporting platform.
As part of our commitment to employee wellbeing, we are again offering staff vouchers for a free winter flu jab.
Apply now for a fully funded 3-year PhD scholarship or the newly piloted Internal Thematic Doctoral Pathway (TDP).
Professionalisation of policing "good for recruits and society"
Social mobility, levelling up and what employers want from graduates are among the topics at a high profile event being hosted by Liverpool John Moores University.
The National Police Wellbeing Service has been awarded funding to conduct a study of their sleep fatigue and recovery biometrics programme in partnership with LJMU.
Tributes to Liverpool Business School academic and much-loved colleague Roz Jones