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  1. Women in Sport Journalism Day

    It has been called the last men's club in journalism, but expect a much more female future for the UK's sport coverage.

  2. Getting to grips with technology in media

    Pupils from Sacred Heart College, Crosby joined the Media Technology Group of the Dept. of Electronics & Electrical Engineering to learn technical processes for creating TV programmes.

  3. Advice for staying safe

    Liverpool is a safe UK city, but it pays to be aware of your personal safety. Here are our top tips for staying safe in the city.

  4. LJMU Assessment 4 – 14 January 2022

    As we approach our assessment period early next year, this note is to provide you with important preparation information and to confirm that exams will take place in person (with the exception of Levels 3 and 4).

  5. International Pronouns Day

    International Pronouns Day seeks to make respecting, sharing and educating about personal pronouns common practice.