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  1. Chief Constable delivers Spring Lecture at LJMU

    Chief Constable Craig Guildford of West Midlands Police delivered his spring lecture at LJMU last week. The lecture titled Turning the Tanker: Reflections on 18 Months as Chief Constable of West Midlands Police was held in the Redmonds Building and saw Chief Constable Guildford share his strategic initiatives, and thoughts on the importance of community engagement, and the future direction of the force.

  2. 5 Ways to Battle Homesickness and Settle into University

    University can be some of the best years of your life, however adjusting to a big change can take some time. Whether you've travelled an hour down the road or from across the water, homesickness can affect everyone. Here are some tips to handle homesickness and ensure you enjoy university life as much as possible.