LJMU ranked one of the top 10 best UK universities in StudentCrowd Awards 2022
Based on online reviews over the past two years, LJMU is ranked as the 6th best UK university according to the StudentCrowd awards 2022.
Based on online reviews over the past two years, LJMU is ranked as the 6th best UK university according to the StudentCrowd awards 2022.
Students from any programme or level of study are invited to attend this fair to meet and network with 50+ employers offering internships, placements and graduate roles.
Students from Liverpool Screen School, the School of Law, Liverpool School of Art and Design and the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies received their awards.
The Careers Team would really like to hear your views on the careers services offered by the Careers Team to final year students and graduates.
INVITE: Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Plus (LGBT+) History Month Event (2020)
LJMU Religion & Belief Workshops (2020) - Understanding religious diversity of our students and staff community
LJMU offers a wide range of different services for students – from money advice and study skills workshops to careers guidance and free gym membership.
As gyms reopened their doors this week, two of LJMU's sport and exercise scientists shared their views with LJMU Corporate Comms and with The Times newspaper.
MONKEYS save the palm oil industry hundreds of millions each year by killing damaging pests, according to researchers in Liverpool, UK.
To help reduce the spread of Covid, Public Health at Liverpool City Council are conducting a survey of LJMU students.