BBC presenter Jane Garvey 'tells it like it is' to students
Students studying English at LJMU were treated to a special Q&A with the presenter of BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour.
Students studying English at LJMU were treated to a special Q&A with the presenter of BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour.
Discover our safeguarding policy and procedures to ensure student safety and support at LJMU.
Liverpool John Moores is a proud signatory of the GTRSB Pledge. The Pledge is the University’s commitment to undertake a range of steps to support GTRSB individuals studying or working in higher education.
Read more about the Luminary Lecture Series at Liverpool School of Art and Design. The Series presents the work of leading practitioners in art and design.
Barry Fowler joined King Edward the Seventh Nautical College, London in May 1952. Barry spent four years as an apprentice and eventually rose to the position of captain at Elder Dempster Lines.
If you are an American student planning to study, or currently studying, at LJMU, part of the application process for a U.S. federal loan requires a cost of attendance to be calculated. Typical student expenses may include: tuition and accommodation fees, transport or book allowances, and more. Find out what the cost of attendance includes.
James, a multimedia computing graduate from LJMU, shares his journey of founding Webrevolve, an award-winning digital agency.
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Resources and information related to Black Lives Matter.