Your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)
See information about the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) which provides a single comprehensive record of your academic and other achievements whilst in Higher Education.
See information about the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) which provides a single comprehensive record of your academic and other achievements whilst in Higher Education.
Report and Support is LJMU's harassment and sexual misconduct reporting platform.
Information about reporting an incidence of sexual violence immediately.
These webpages provide information for students who have been sexually assaulted or raped. They give information on the things you might want to consider to enable you to make an informed choice about what to do.
Find out more about reporting an incidence of sexual violence at a later time.
Find out information and contact details to receive expert advise around reporting an incident of sexual violence.
Fill out this form if you wish to contact an LJMU advisor.
Find out what help is available if you have problems completing your assessment.
Find out what to do if you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis.
Learner Digital Engagement