First cohort graduates from Leadership Skills programme
Partnership tackles problem of 'accidental managers'
Partnership tackles problem of 'accidental managers'
Ahead of Remembrance Day, Liverpool John Moores University has pledged its support for the armed forces community.
A shortage of fertility professionals has prompted a new Masters degree with Liverpool John Moores University.
Training for Chairs, Panel Members and Programme Teams
Over 60 students successfully completed the online summer course Sustainability and Employability: Understanding Sustainability Issues and Getting Ready for the Job Market.
An analysis of motoring offences conducted by Liverpool John Moores University and the RAC Foundation has shown a 12% decrease in speeding offences in Merseyside.
Opportunities for people of colour in specialist policing roles including counter-terrorism are being made available thanks to a partnership involving Liverpool John Moores University.
Study underway to understand how assessment impacts Black students
The CourseLoop Canvas resource has short video guides on how to get started in addition to information if you require additional help and support.
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) is to offer a new generation of police officer training in partnership with Merseyside Police.