Retracing "world's most costly" ship crash on LJMU Maritime Simulator
After the worlds most costly cargo ship accident, maritime expert Dr Abdul Khalique mans LJMU's £2.5 million simulator to explain what went wrong on board the Ever Given.
After the worlds most costly cargo ship accident, maritime expert Dr Abdul Khalique mans LJMU's £2.5 million simulator to explain what went wrong on board the Ever Given.
LJMUs Dr Susan Grant has spent the last decade researching and tracing the history of nursing care in the Soviet Union, with her discoveries now documented in a new publication Soviet Nightingales: Care under Communism.
The department of Media, Culture, Communication in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences has established a new initiative to create space for students to socialise and support their wellbeing.
IT Services Technology Support staff will be on hand this September to offer informal guidance on the operation and use of in-class technologies such as projectors, visualisers, and front of class computers.
New research from Queens University Belfast and Liverpool John Moores University reveals how the microplastic pollution crisis is threatening biodiversity.
Liverpool Anglican Cathedral is set to play host to over 4,000 students next week for the first round of LJMU graduation ceremonies taking place this summer
Liverpool John Moores University is celebrating after a wonderful week of graduation ceremonies at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, in which more than 4,000 students graduated across 18 ceremonies, including 96 members of staff.
Our Chancellor, Sir Brian Leveson, has unveiled a plaque to officially open our fantastic Student Life Building.
LJMU has been helping to end furniture poverty for hundreds of local groups.
All grant funded projects and knowledge exchange projects must be recorded on the GaP system from April 2020