Making a difference to our communities
See how LJMU engages with and supports local communities through programs, partnerships, and volunteer efforts.
See how LJMU engages with and supports local communities through programs, partnerships, and volunteer efforts.
An example of how 360 images can be used to create interactive Learning Objects.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women who are making positive changes to their communities in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of these women's unique and inspirational lives.
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the pace at which educational institutions moved towards a blended approach of online and in-person learning (Jisc, 2020). While embracing this change, the challenges it brings for learner experience, engagement and learning must be carefully considered.
Understand your tuition fee status at LJMU, including home vs. international distinctions and eligibility for financial aid.
School of Psychology
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences - Sigrid Olthof
Marie is the 2022/23 President of Liverpool John Moores Students’ Union and is making a difference to the student experience by ensuring that they have access to the right support and that LJMU is inclusive and representative of the student population.
Bas moved from Spain to study in Liverpool after friendship with the online gaming community brought him to the city. Since then, he has become an award-winning engineering student and is making a difference to the energy sector by creating ways to heat homes and buildings more efficiently.