Short lectures on A Level texts
Watch our videos of short lectures on A Level texts.
Watch our videos of short lectures on A Level texts.
The Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing at Liverpool John Moores University provides students with a chance to gain relevant policing experience as part of their degree.
Discover Liverpool's 800-year history, its storied past, and why it's a city with an incredible future ahead.
LJMU takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information. Read the Policing Apprenticeship recruitment - Initial Skills Scans Privacy Notice.
Police forces and national crime agencies are operating in increasingly challenging times. Are you up for the challenge? Explore our policing courses.
History applicants - Learn more about your course.
Find out more about the Rethinking International Communism: AHRC-Funded Research Network conference taking place at LJMU 2-3 September 2022.
Find out how to apply for a continuing professional development course (CPD) at LJMU.
Discover the wonders of the past, compare different arguments and find your own version of events. Explore courses within the subject of history.
Policing and securities research is divided into strands, find out more about this work.