Search the LJMU website

  1. Professor Mark Power

    Professor Mark Power, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Liverpool John Moores University.

  2. Accommodation

    Search for accommodation to suit all student needs

  3. Interested in delivering a session

    If you have some expertise or best practice you would like to share with colleagues by delivering a staff development session, please have a conversation with us about it.

  4. International application dates

    Learn the international application deadlines for undergraduate courses at Liverpool John Moores University, starting in September 2025 or January 2026.

  5. i-Buy drop-in sessions and training dates

    Come and see one of your Procurement Finance Officers around campus who can answer your queries, guide you through processes, do live demos on i-Buy and chat all things Procurement

  6. Activism – interviews with women activists in Nepal

    As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women activists in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of their unique and inspirational lives.

  7. David Anson interview – Elder Dempster

    As Second Engineer at Elder Dempster Lines, David was responsible for: the care and maintenance of machinery, the power generation, the pumping system, the refrigeration and other electrical items. Listen to David's interview.