Police force diversity is improving in the UK - but there's a long way to go
Legitimate, representative and proportionate policing is vital for social health in democracies, argue LJMU experts.
Legitimate, representative and proportionate policing is vital for social health in democracies, argue LJMU experts.
To mark the day, Marie Hie, JMSU's Black and Asian Minority Ethic Student Officer, talks about LJMU's reciprocal mentoring scheme and how we can all contribute to reducing inequalities
Don't Miss Out! - LJMU Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Personal Development Workshops & Opportunities (2020)
Liverpool John Moores University, the University of Liverpool and Edge Hill University libraries are delighted to announce our programme for Open Research Week 2022, taking place from 14th-17th February 2022. There are 8 events over 4 days. All will take place over Microsoft Teams and each session can be booked individually. All events will be recorded; if you are unable to attend but are interested in the content, please sign up and the recording will be sent out to you in due course.
Research shows that far from choosing safe and familiar locations, holidaymakers prefer places they know little about.
On World Menopause Day, LJMU's Mel Jones, a researcher development adviser and menopausal woman, talks about her experience ...
'His review led to development of the John Lennon Building'
Public health experts at Liverpool John Moores University are looking into how lockdown has affected the physical and mental health of people in the North West.
Astronomers discover huge hydrogen cloud - a new clue to formation of stars
The Liverpool School of Art and Design has welcomed a new lecturer to its ranks, art critic, historian, and curator Christine Eyene. As well as taking up a new post here at LJMU, she will also play an important role in deciding the winner of one of the best-known prizes for visual art, the Turner Prize 2022, as she has been selected to sit on this years jury.