IT Support in the Library

Our Digital Engagement team are available in all Library sites including the Digital Studio (Student Life Building) within full service hours to help you with:

  • Your LJMU account
  • Using the Digital Studio
  • Accessing IT resources remotely
  • Printing, copying and scanning
  • Canvas, TurnItIn and Teams
  • WiFi
  • LJMU Apps
  • LJMU email on your phone
  • Your Microsoft OneDrive
  • Multifactor authentication (MFA)
  • Creating and printing posters
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Creating presentations, spreadsheets and charts
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Creating and formatting documents for your assignments, dissertations and theses
  • Free course software
  • Keeping your LJMU files safe

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Accessing LJMU remotely


Passwords and Logging On

Storing and Sharing Data

Microsoft Office

Printing, Copying and Scanning