
Research into a range of alcohol related topics

Evaluating interventions, reviewing evidence and delivering original research into alcohol consumption and harm across a range of populations and settings.

The Public Health Institute brings together intelligence from international, national and regional sources, to provide policymakers and practitioners with the latest evidence on policy, practice and interventions.

Both original research and investigations into published literature and established datasets are used to understand a range of topics including how alcohol is consumed in society; the impacts of alcohol on individuals, the workplace and communities; motivations for consumption; awareness of alcohol information; and the impacts of interventions (such as social marketing campaigns).

The Institute has conducted research with a variety of different populations and settings including the general population, specific groups – particularly underage drinkers, service providers and in workplaces. Recent work has examined levels of alcohol consumption, levels of alcohol-related harm and the effectiveness of interventions aiming to reduce such harms.


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