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  1. Holocaust Remembrance Day

    On Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January) we reflect on some of the past events at LJMU which have shaped our understanding of humanity's worst crimes.

  2. Charlie becomes National Teaching Fellow

    Dr Charlie Smith from the Liverpool School of Art and Design has received national recognition for his outstanding contribution to teaching and learning. He has today been announced as a winner of the prestigious National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS).

  3. 'Modern slavery is a global issue'

    The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery is marked on 2 December. Dr Scott Foster, Reader in Post Graduate Research Culture, spoke to our Diversity and Inclusion team.

  4. LJMU rated highly in sustainability table

    LJMU has been ranked as one of the top four universities in the country for ethical investment in a national review of sustainability and ethical investment in higher education.