LJMU Virtual Global Citizens' Conference
The LJMU Virtual Global Citizens' Conference takes place 11-12 November 2020. Find out more about this LJMU event.
The LJMU Virtual Global Citizens' Conference takes place 11-12 November 2020. Find out more about this LJMU event.
International Scientific Committee
Since 2011, the international IAHR/WMO/IAHS training course on stream gauging has been organized in six countries around the world by recognized hydrometry experts.
We are delighted to announce a special networking and mentoring event focused on strengthening diversity and gender equity in IAHR, as part of River Flow 2024. The event will take place on 3 September 2024 at 5pm, in Room 2.06, Student Life Building.
The Liverpool Centre for Olympic Research on Inclusion (LCORI) are part of the global network of Olympic Study Centres and the first of its kind in the world to focus exclusively on inclusion.
Our social work expertise includes fostering and adoption; child protection, anti-oppressive practice, working with marginalised groups, user-driven healthcare, substance misuse and more. Our research aims to promote social justice and improve people's lives.
Find out more about the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (SBER) Group.
The Research Unit for Financial Inclusion is recognised as a leader in credit union research. We undertake research into issues central to the development of credit union, co-operatives and social enterprise and to the future of low and moderate-income consumer finance.
The Accounting and Finance Research Group will be located in the Business School. It will be mainly conducted within five research themes, Accounting and Society, Financial Stability, Sustainability, FinTech and Accounting Education.
Find out more about Liverpool Business School's International Business Management and Strategy Research (IMBMS) Group, the purpose of the IBMS group is to bring together academics with interest in international business, management and strategy.