Joint staff and student project wins digital privacy award
LJMU has won an award at the PICCASO Privacy Awards Europe 2023 for a Privacy and Digital Security project created by staff and students.
LJMU has won an award at the PICCASO Privacy Awards Europe 2023 for a Privacy and Digital Security project created by staff and students.
Many external (non-LJMU) websites have been hacked recently, resulting in millions of usernames and passwords being leaked and passed on to criminals.
Home cameras and baby monitors are wide open to cyber-hackers, according to an expert at Liverpool John Moores University.
To help keep your privacy and digital security safe, LJMU is outlining three simple ways to protect your data online, with the help of LJMU students who have created videos to highlight the easy steps you can take every day.
Take a look through our Before You Arrive webpages and get ready for your studies.
Take a look through our Before You Arrive webpages and get ready for your studies.
Remember it’s really important to always lock your screen before leaving your computer, in order to protect your data.
People dying with Alzheimer's 11% down on memory tests taken years earlier
Don't forget to complete your online registration and find out how you’ll get your student ID card.
If you have not already completed your online security training for this quarter, you must do so as soon as possible.