Seminar series 2021-2022
The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education runs seminars throughout the year. Find out more about Seminar Series 2021-2022.
The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education runs seminars throughout the year. Find out more about Seminar Series 2021-2022.
Read the oration for His Honour Judge Clement Goldstone QC on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.
Since 2011, the international IAHR/WMO/IAHS training course on stream gauging has been organized in six countries around the world by recognized hydrometry experts.
See the international entry requirements for students from USA wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.
See the international entry requirements for students from Papua New Guinea wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.
Read the oration for Sir Malcolm Thornton on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Alison Wild.
Travelling to a summer school abroad is exciting in every sense of the word. If you’ve never been away before and you’re feeling a little apprehensive, not to worry you'll find the information you need before travelling on this page.
Public Health Institute
Digital Education and Society research group
Find out more about Nineteenth-century writing and print culture research within the Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History.