Validation and Periodic Programme Reviews
Academic colleagues are invited to express an interest in becoming a panel member or chair for our Validation and Periodic Programme Reviews.
Academic colleagues are invited to express an interest in becoming a panel member or chair for our Validation and Periodic Programme Reviews.
Applications are now being taken from LJMU staff for the Advance HE Aurora Programme
Training available during Wellbeing Week... It’s important that we continue to find out different ways to enhance our own and other’s wellbeing. There are a number of FREE training opportunities available to staff and students during Wellbeing Week including See Say Signpost Suicide Prevention Training…
LJMU is looking to recruit chair and university panel representatives for the validation and periodic programme review 2024-25.
Health psychologist praises LJMU for 'transforming her life'
A new Export Controls and Sanctions Policy, in relation to research and knowledge exchange activity, has been approved and added to the LJMU Policy Centre.
Information about who has been appointed to Academic Board
We have received the sad news that our former Energy and Environment Manager Bob Steventon passed away earlier this week.
More than 2,400 students officially graduated this week across eight stunning ceremonies at Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral, the first graduations of LJMU’s Bicentenary year.
LJMU is applying for Silver-level Athena Swan accreditation and want to hear your views on working at LJMU.