Training materials now available on Canvas for CourseLoop
The CourseLoop Canvas resource has short video guides on how to get started in addition to information if you require additional help and support.
The CourseLoop Canvas resource has short video guides on how to get started in addition to information if you require additional help and support.
Student Futures call out for ideas across the university
LJMU’s Dr Daniel Silverstone, Director of Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies, has delivered a series of national media interviews related to his research on human trafficking.
Emily Roxbee Cox on how she wants to give students the best possible experience
All grant funded projects and knowledge exchange projects must be recorded on the GaP system from April 2020
Park Runs rightly 'prescribed' by GPs
Over 60 students successfully completed the online summer course Sustainability and Employability: Understanding Sustainability Issues and Getting Ready for the Job Market.
This year, LJMU s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team in partnership with LJMUs Women Academics Network, reached out to departments to find out what they were doing to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD) 2021... Read on to find out what is going on in your area!
Senior Civil Servants tour the world-leading centres of co-innovation driving global investment in the Liverpool City Region
Scientists use spectrometry to identify liquid inside vials