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Recent research published in Quaternary Science Reviews on the long extinct cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) has found their attempt to adapt to the growing harshness of the last ice age before their extinction.
We look at how and why Liverpool was a catalyst for change when it came to public health and how it continues to make a difference in health care today.
Liverpool John Moores University, University of Kent and City, University of London are collaborating in order to launch a series of cross-sector live webinars on race, racism and the importance of inclusive allyships.
The Liverpool Centre for Cultural, Social and Political Research (CSPR) has been established to bring together expertise around humanities and social sciences to drive forward the impact of their work.
One of the most groundbreaking research areas of our time is the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and what it means for our future. But what are the legal implications?
LJMU has launched the first worldwide Liverpool Centre for Olympic Research focussing on Inclusion ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympics.
More than 150 healthcare professionals from across the country were celebrated at a conference hosted by LJMU that championed advanced clinical practice.
Ester Ragonese, Associate Dean Education (APS) and Senior Lecturer in Criminal Justice has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship from Advance HE.
To celebrate 150 years of the Princes Road Synagogue, LJMU hosted a special drama event earlier this month.