Liverpool College of Arts: Art and Design
Find out more about the history of the Liverpool College of Arts
Find out more about the history of the Liverpool College of Arts
The Homeward Bound: A Liverpool-West Africa Heritage Project documents the lives and memories of Elder Dempster’s seafaring and office staff. As part of the project, we recorded 25 oral testimonies.
The ‘Horizons’ project is a flagship innovation support project in the Liverpool City Region dedicated to supporting SMEs across the Liverpool City Region who want to improve their competitiveness and productivity.
To celebrate Earth Day we share some of the stories we've covered over the past year on the environment and the projects our staff and students are working on to try to turn things around.
How LJMU Racing Team helps graduates achieve their dream career.
Since graduating, Robert Wild has worked as a mechanical design engineer, helped design a robotic arm and was awarded UK Nuclear Graduate of the Year. Get career inspiration and see where an engineering degree could take you.
Find out more about what it's like to work and be a part of the community at Liverpool John Moores University.
Find out more about current jobs we have as well as information regarding the opportunities and benefits we have to offer for all of our employees.
You'll find LJMU policies and documents related to: Academic Quality and Regulations, Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Equality and Diversity, Financial Information, Governance, Strategic Plan, Student Regulations and Sustainability.
Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences